Mezzo-soprano Kathrin Göring on rage, chilli and absurd moments
Anna Elisabeth Diepold | Dramaturgin | Tuesday 07.02.2023
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni | © Tom Schulze

Mozart gave the opera stage modern female characters, even revolutionary modern at the time. What makes Donna Elvira special ?

The special thing for me is that Elvira, while angry, fearlessly dismantles her husband (I think the two of them got married) in public, revealing his ways of doing things. After all, it is her honour as a spouse at stake! Whereas women at the time would have been rather desperate and shameful not to leave the house, she instead accuses him and tries to prevent further misfortunes.

Favourite part of the opera ?

At the end of the second act: Elvira scolds, complains and virtually calls on the gods for help and mercy. Then she meets the Commendatore on her way out. Wonderful! Theatrically funny.

If Elvira were... a cocktail, a painting, we would...

... drink a cocktail with changing colours: red, green and purple for love, anger and jealousy, with a touch of chilli in the sugar rim, ... while admiring a painting by Klimt: "The Kiss"!

I can be pretty effervescent too! On the other hand, I like to give the odd piece of good advice. However, I do this more diplomatically than Elvira - at least I think so.

How much of Donna Elvira is there in Kathrin Göring?

I can be pretty effervescent too! On the other hand, I like to give pieces of good advice. However, I do this more diplomatically than Elvira - at least I think so.