Musikalische Komödie

Sonja Elena Schroeder


Sonja Elena Schroeder was born in Heidelberg and studied acting at the Bern University of the Arts. After many years on stage, she has been working as a set designer, director and filmmaker since 2010, both in the independent theater scene and at permanent venues. The Stadttheater Bremerhaven, the Westfälisches Landestheater, the Musikalische Komödie Leipzig and the Schlosstheater Celle are some of her places of work. She has been part of the theater collective »boat people projekt« since 2011, which was awarded the German Federal Theater Prize in 2019.

The main components of her professional work are productions aimed at a young audience or in which children and young people themselves take part, as well as concepts that interactively leave the classic black box. Whether online formats, collaborative bar camps or interactive theater games: Sonja Elena Schroeder looks for conceptual and technological ways to tell stories with different tools. She also focuses on recycled materials. In addition, she founded the label »Bildwerfer« with Thomas Kirchberg in 2016, within which interdisciplinary cross-media cultural projects are created, including the »musical« film »Westside culture clash«, which was awarded the Lower Saxony Prize for Music Education in 2018.