Musikalische Komödie

Mattia Cambiaghi

Mattia Cambiaghi


Born in Milan. Trained as a dancer at the ballet school of La Scala in Milan, the Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monaco and the ballet school of the Hamburg Ballet. Permanent engagements at the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater, the Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Schwerin, the Regensburg Theatre and the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich.

Dancer at the Musikalische Komödie since 2013. Solo roles include Mercutio in »Romeo and Juliet«, Escamillo in »Carmen«, Rabbit and March Hare in »Alice in Wonderland« and Young John in »Zorbas«.
